
writing. thinking. collaborating. teaching. learning. blogging…

On Open Access Scholarship February 18, 2012

“Open Science, Open Minds.” That’s the slogan of Intech, an online resource with a wealth of science journals (and books) available for download, for free! I remember stumbling upon Intech and thinking, “Why didn’t I know about this sooner?” Upon posting the link to Intech on the various geography facebook groups I frequent, responses from my fellow geographers directed me to more open access journals related to the field as made available at the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). From boycotts  of publisher prices to journal costs scaled by a subscriber’s income, questions about how journals are made accessible and exclusive are on the rise. Upon investigating further, I find myself barely grazing the edges of an exciting and growing movement in free knowledge.  Knowing that I have barely scratched the surface, I am curious to know what Open Access Journal resources my peers have come across, and what thoughts you have on this phenomena?


Stay in & Chat with a Tutor! January 15, 2012

Filed under: what do you think? — Mia Amélie @ 12:00 pm
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With all this precipitation, trudging through the snow to the Writing Center might seem a little daunting. Luckily, the Writing Center is only a click away! The UCWbL recently added a new feature called “Chat with a Tutor,” giving writers the opportunity to instant message a tutor during the Writing Center’s regular hours of operation.  Never one to resist an innovative trend (i.e. the “Ask a Librarian” chat service, available at DePaul University’s Library website), the UCWbL added the “Chat with a Tutor” service as a means to give writers even more ways to connect with tutors and explore topics in writing and language. So if you have a quick question for us or need a little assistance with writing, research, or other related elements, visit our website at depaul.edu/writing and click “Chat with a Tutor.”


Creative Prompts for Writing July 13, 2011

When you’re running short of ideas for your writing, there are a few methods via which you can try to get over the proverbial block that sits between you and your goal of writing. You can ask your friends, you can draw from something you’re already reading, you can sit outside and wait until you eavesdrop on an interesting conversation, so on and so forth. But one of the time-tested and age-old methods is, of course, to seek inspiration from a writing prompt.

I had every intention of writing a blogpost with a list of good resources for writing prompts online. I wanted to say “if you’re running dry of ideas, go here or here or here and here, and they should give you ample fuel for your writing drive.”

And this search was spurned by need. As some of you may know, I intend to participate in Camp NanoWriMo this summer, but I have not yet been able to start. Why? Lack of inspiration. So what better a topic for a blogpost than offering sources that I myself am in desperate need of. Right? Right? Ehhh.




I know I frequently offer websites to you all that I think will be useful to writers. But today I found one that I myself am going to use, because it does something for the serious writer that I used to get from fanfiction.net when I was in middle school–it allows you to post your work, and receive feedback from peers.





Agents, Contests, Jobs, and Journals: Resources for Writers June 29, 2011

Filed under: things that help writers — Justin S. @ 11:31 am
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Sifting through the clutter of literary contests posted online or catalogued in different publications can be a very daunting task for writers who wish to submit their writing for publication.

I’ve known writers  who have sifted through the different databases of contests and journals and fellowships, as well as the bible for writers, The Writer’s Market, and created their own rankings of contests and journals.  But when combined with the notion that writers submit to many of these contests and journals hoping for acceptance but expecting rejection, and the fact that a 99% rejection rate would be considered a success, it can make for a downright horrid experience that anyone other than masochists would prefer to avoid.

But there is help.



Live Mocha June 24, 2011

Last week I told you guys about SharedTalk. Apparently, another free site with similar goals but different features exists as well, known as LiveMocha.com.
Live Mocha is another site where you can practice a foreign language and help others to practice too. What’s different about Live Mocha is that not only does it have the communications/talk feature, but it also has lessons and tests for those looking to actually study a NEW language. For the written and spoken versions of these tests, native speakers can review what you write and say and evaluate it, give you tips, or just connect with you as a conversation partner.



Camp NaNoWriMo June 22, 2011

Hello there writers. For those of you who don’t know, NaNoWriMo—National Novel Writing Month—is an annual challenge for writers to write a novel (or 50,000 words of one) in the span of one month.

The traditional NaNoWriMo happens every year over the month of November. However, the good folks at NaNoWriMo are doing something new this year—Camp NaNoWriMo. In the words of Lindsey Grant, one of NNWM’s fabulous admins:

“This camp-themed version of National Novel Writing Month enables participants to write a novel in a month other than November. You bring the words and we’ll meet you there with the encouragement, tracking tools, and a tent!”



Shared Talk June 20, 2011

Are you studying a foreign language? Have you always wanted to become pen-pals with someone else who speaks the language, but don’t know very many people? And/or are you a native English speaker who wants to help an ESL individual by becoming their pen-pal?  If your answer to any of these questions is “yes,” then you may be interested in becoming a member of Rosetta Stone’s SharedTalk website. (more…)


Quick Questions – On Focus(ed) Groups March 14, 2011

Filed under: quick questions — DePaul UCWbL @ 15:25 pm
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Question: I am a bit confused about terminology. Should it be ‘focus group’ or ‘focused group’?  For example, if I am writing the sentence, ‘The chairman is thinking of setting up focus/focused group meetings to collect stakeholders’ views’, should I use focus or focused? Or it doesn’t matter? Thanks! —

Response: Hi —!  Although it seems to make perfect sense that one would refer to a group of people focused on a particular topic as a “focused group,” I have only ever heard it said “focus group.”



Quick Questions – On Citing Online Sources March 2, 2011

Filed under: quick questions,things that help writers — DePaul UCWbL @ 15:27 pm
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Question: How would I cite these two sources (MLA style): Source 1 and Source 2? Thanks, —

Response: Hi —! Thanks for your question. According to the seventh edition of the MLA handbook, works only cited on the web should follow this format: (more…)